analog to digital

Digital home telephone service is an inevitability.

Sooner or later, as happened with broadcast television, your telephone company will stop providing traditional analog service. Don't wait.

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Feeling Confident

Don't feel stranded if things go wrong. We are here!

Depending on your situation, things might be complicated. The information in this site will help you get it done right.

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  • Digital home conversion school

    Learn about the many options you have to turn your analog home into a digital home with step by step guides and walk-throughs that take the guessing out of the process. more

  • new propositions

    Forget having to buy new equipment when changing digital telephone companies, learn how you can reconfigure your current converter box to save money. more

  • Gambling with your family's safety

    Learn about what your alarm system provider didn't tell you about your alarm system's biggest vulnerability and learn about what you can do to fix it. more